Unveiling the Enigma of Data Analysis through Microsoft Power BI: An In-Depth Guide

Unveiling the Enigma of Data Analysis through Microsoft Power BI: An In-Depth Guide

In the contemporary landscape dominated by data, enterprises find themselves submerged in an ocean of information, spanning from customer demographics to sales metrics. The sheer magnitude of data poses a huge challenge in distilling meaningful insights crucial for informed decision-making. Addressing this challenge head-on is Microsoft Power BI, a tool adept at converting raw data…

Microsoft Dynamics NAV / Business Central – Analyze Data by Dimensions – Analysis Views

Microsoft Dynamics NAV / Business Central – Analyze Data by Dimensions – Analysis Views

Since we are setting up analysis by dimensions in the system let us first start by understanding Dimensions in brief. Dimensions are tags that can be assigned on transactions and documents which get stored with posted transactions. Dimensions and Dimension Values are user-defined based on a specific organization’s reporting requirements. Now Let’s see how one…