Remember when there was always a man in the company who had 2 registers, 1 green for goods going out and one red for goods coming in. Well, if you still have that man in your company... it's a sign that your company is lagging behind.

Let's face it. No matter what size your company is, everyone has a system to work by to make the company profitable and efficient. But when this system is offline like depended on one software on that one or two computers or even that one person, it's a bad idea as you are entirely dependent on these things. Such companies faced a lot of problems with this lockdown. As a restricted time and restricted software don't go hand in hand. Whereas a sound system but restricted time will be smooth enough to keep your company going.

A good ERP software (Enterprise Resource Planning Software) is a business solution that integrates and runs all the parts of businesses from inventory management to financial management and much more. Such software help the company to analyze their status more easily and make decisions smoothly.

Post pandemic, it has been tough to have access to all the information. A COO sitting at home won't know how much inventory is going in and out in real-time and won't be able to say how departments are doing ongoing projects. Even departments' communication becomes stagnant as just walking to other department cubicles is not possible. Thus ERP systems are the solution.

An ERP system helps with 360° visibility in all the departments and segments of the company by everyone using the systems. So essentially, a department head will know how his department is doing and how other departments are doing. A sales manager won't have to worry about the inventory while taking new orders, even sitting at home. Also, the COO can make better decisions by just looking at the ERP system. And it's all Real-Time, so you cannot go wrong.

Companies need real-time visibility to better manage supply chains. ERP will allow them to account for weather changes, port delays and logistics problems, and supplier issues into their decisions and plan correctly in real-time. Because of social distancing requirements, companies can also run manufacturing by making timely scheduling and abiding by few workers and their safety. Companies can also maintain all the consumers' and clients' data and share it internally as needed with the help of ERP systems. As the client buying pattern changes, company can also catch up even in pandemic thanks to ERP systems.

Think of ERP systems as internet cords that keep all the computers running and also connecting them, and also if the electricity goes, you don't have to worry because it's all stored online. Now I don't know what better can a company ask for!

ERP systems also help companies to be efficient and remove the possibilities of duplication and manual errors. An obvious benefit of ERP is that companies can have close ties to their customers in delivering and logistics management and create a better client bond and trust.

All of these benefits are just want companies need post-pandemic and also when they are trying to scale up, there no greater system to get the company together then the ERP system.

About the author:
Natasha Bhatia - Assistant Marketing Manager

At Direction Software LLP, Natasha works with the Marketing team to do Marketing campaigns, websites development, content writing, SEO and social media platforms management.

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